Peer-reviewed Papers:
Click on each paper to view the abstracts:
Bucculatrix ulmifoliae M. Hering,
1931 (Lep. : Bucculatricidae) resident in England. John R. Langmaid,
Jim Porter and Graham A. Collins 195-201
The distribution, ecology and conservation
of the Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua
orbona (Hufnagel) in the Breck District of Norfolk and Suffolk. M. S.
Parsons and G.M. Haggett 203-211
Eupeodes goeldlini (Dip.: Syrphidae)
new to Britain, France and Ireland, with a key to separate it from related
Atlantic zone species.
Martin C. D.Speight, Jean-Pierre Sarthou and David A. Levy 213-219
Parna apicalis (Brischke, 1888) (Symphyta:
Tenthredinidae), a Leaf-mining Sawfly new to Great Britain. Rob Edmunds,
Steve Hind, Andrew Liston and Keith
Palmer 223-226
Pine-tree Lappet Dendrolimus pini (L.)
(Lep.: Lasiocampidae) possibly resident in Scotland. Roger Kiddie 231-233
Clepsis coriacana (Rebel, 1894) (Lep.: Tortricidae) new to Britain. David
Manning 235-237
Confirmation of
the hybrid status of the Autumnal Snout Schrankia intermedialis
Reid (Lep.: Noctuidae). Philip J. L. Gould 193-194
Could the Spanish Character Cilix hispanica De-Gregorio, Torruella,
Miret, Casas& Figueras, 2002 (Lep.: Drepanidae)
be overlooked in the British fauna? Colin W. Plant, Michael Marney
and Graham Wenman194
Coleophora squamosella Stainton (Lep.: Coleophoridae), new to the
(VC20) county list. Philip J. L. Gould 202
Ectoedemia heringella (Mariani), (Lep.:Nepticulidae) – a
first record for North Hampshire (VC12). Rob Edmunds 202
A fourth Hertfordshire (VC20) record of the Apple Pith Moth Blastodacna
atra (Haworth) (Lep.: Agonoxenidae). Philip J. L. Gould 212
The Rothamsted Insect Survey light trap on Jersey – species
of note in 2004. Philip J. L. Gould 220
Hazards of butterfly collecting: The lifeline that is the BBC World
Service – the World, 1970-2007. Torben B. Larsen 221-222
Colonies of the Asian elm aphid Tinocallis takachihoensis Higuchi
(Hem.: Aphididae) in Britain. Thomas F. Döring 226-227
Tilia cordata – a new foodplant for Incurvaria pectinea Haw.
(Lep: Incurvariidae). Rob Edmunds 228-229
Scarce Tissue Rheumaptera cervinalis (Scop.) (Lep.: Geometridae):
a new record for north-east Scotland. N. Picozzi 229-230
Remm’s Rustic Mesapamea remmi (Rézbányai-Reser)
(Lep.: Noctuidae) on Guernsey.
P. D. M. Costen 233-234
Atlantopsocus adustus (Hagen) (Psoc: Psocidae) new to Britain from
East Cornwall– a correction. Keith N. A. Alexander 234
Additional evidence supporting the migration of Cornifrons ulceratalis
Lederer (Lep.:
Crambidae, Evergestinae) in the Mediterranean region in October
2006. Martin R. Honey Inmaculada Férriz & Nick
J. Riddiford 237-238
Book Reviews
The Lepidoptera of Israel edited by G.C. Müller, V.D. Kravchenko,
A. Hausmann, W. Speidel, J. Mooser & T.J. Witt
and Volume 2: Noctuidae by V.D. Kravchenko, M. Fibiger,
A. Hausmann & G.C. Müller 239-240
Studies on the ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe.
Volume 1 – General concepts and case
studies and Volume 2 – Species ecology
along a European gradient: Maculinea butterflies
as a model 240
Ecology of an almost extinct population of the Scarce Swallowtail
Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758) by
R. Steiner, G. Hermann & J.
Settele 240