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contents - volume 136 (part 6)

Published 25th November 2024

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Microlepidoptera Review of 2023. A.M. Davis and G.M. Tordoff 261-287

Click on the paper to view the abstract:


The Liquorice Piercer moth Grapholita pallifrontana Zeller 1846 (Lep.: Tortricicidae) in Huntingdonshire, vC31. Yali Xue, Chris Tyler-Smith and Barry Dickerson 288-290

Pexicopia malvella (Hübner, [1805]) (Lep.: Gelechiidae) larvae found feeding on Malva sylvestris L. in Britain. Miss S. D. Beavan and R. J. Heckford 290-293

vapourer Orgyia antiqua (L.) (Lep.: Erebidae): hatching and dispersal of first-instar larvae. Roy Leverton 293-296

Willow tree defoliation and Yponomeuta rorrella Hubn. (Lep.: Yponomeutidae) June 2024 – an unusual event in the Severn valley. Robert Homan 296-301

Helichrysum (Asteraceae) – A previously unrecorded foodplant (in Great Britain) for Tebenna micalis (Mann, 1857) (Choreutidae). Phil Barden .302-305

Addenda et corrigenda .307-308

Book Reviewa:

Bibliography of Irish Insects (1802 – 2020) 305

Click-beetles of Great Britain and Ireland: An atlas and natural history 306

The ant collective. Inside the world of an ant colony 306
