25th March 2004
Peer-reviewed Papers:
Click on each paper to view the abstracts:
On the early stages of the Reed Leopard Moth Phragmataecia castaneae
Hb. (Lep.: Cossidae. David Wilson 49-53
The Green Vegetable Bug Nezara viridula (L., 1758) (Hem.: Pentatomidae)
new to Britain. M.V.L. Barclay 55-58
The utilisation of two metre countryside stewardship field scheme grass
margins by Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae). R.G.
Field and C.F. Mason 61-67
Sturmia bella (Meigen) (Dipt. Tachinidae). New to Wales. Eddie John
More aberrations of Colias electo electo L. (Lep.: Pieridae) from the
Cape, South Africa. Leonard McLeod 85-89
The decline in incidence of ab. ruficosta Lempke of the Brimstone Moth
Opisthograptis luteolata (L.) (Lep.: Geometridae) in north-west Kent.
B.K. West 54
The season is not over until . . . Mark Cooper 59
Miltochrista miniata Forst. ab. flava de Graff (Lep.: Arctiidae) in
north-west Kent. B.K.West 59
Papilio dardanus Brown ab. obscura ab. nov. (Lep.: Papilionidae). Leonard
McLeod and Gabrielle McLeod 60
Mythimna albipuncta (D.&S.) in north-west Kent. David Agassiz 67
Hazards of butterfly collecting - Rendezvous in Algeciras - Morocco/Spain,
1968. Torben B. Larsen 68-69
Cosmopterix zieglerella (Hb.) (Lep.: Cosmopterigidae) new to Hampshire.
Rob Edmunds 70
Colephora hemerobiella (Scop.) (Lep.: Colephoridae) - the second Hampshire
record. Rob Edmunds 70-71
Scrobipalpa costella (Humph. & West.) (Lep.: Gelechiidae) adult
in winter. Martin C.Harvey 71
Cochylidia implicitana (Wocke) (Lep.: Tortricidae) in south-west Scotland.
K.P.Bland 72
Argyresthia cupressella Walsingham, 1890 (Lep.: Yponomeutidae) a possible
means of range extension by road. R.J. Heckford 72-73
The doubtful Moray record of Lepyrus capucinus (Schaller) (Col.: Curculionidae).
M.G. Morris 73
The generic names of the British Phytophaga (Coleoptera) explained.
A.A. Allen 74
Dewick's Plusia, Macdunnoughia confusa Steph. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in
Hampshire. Alec S. Harmer 77
Lepidoptera on Hop Humulus lupulus at Etton, Northamptonshire (VC 32),
in 2003.Paul Waring 77-78
Comments on the Buttoned Snout Hypena rostralis (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae)
in Hertfordshire. Colin W. Plant 78-79
The spread of Cnephasia genitalana Pierce & Metcalfe (Lep.: Tortricidae)
in Huntingdonshire (VC 31) 80-81
Recent large outbreaks of Magpie Moth Abraxas grossulariata L. (Lep.:
Geometridae) on heather Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull on the mainland
of north-west Scotland. David Horsfield and Angus J. MacDonald 80-83
Least Yellow Underwing Noctua interjecta Hb. ssp. caliginosa (Schawerda)
(Lep.:Noctuidae) in Dumfires and Galloway. Richard and Barabara Mearns
Red-headed Chestnut Conistra erythrocephala (D.&S.) (Lep.: Noctuidae):
The first Devon specimen since 1906. Roy McCormick 89
Convolvulus Hawk-moth Agrius convolvuli (L.) (Lep.: Sphingidae) in
Hampshire. K.J. Coker 90
Bloxworth Snout Hypena obsitalis (Hb.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) overwintering
in Devon. Roy McCormick 90
Two records of the Snow Flea Boreus hyemalis (Mec.: Boreidae) from
West Wales. Sam Bosanquet 93
Lasius brunneus (Latreille) (Hym.: Formicidae) and Yellow-legged Clearwing
Synanthedon vespiformis (L.) (Lep.: Sesiidae) in Kensington Gardens,
Inner London. C.M. Everett 94
John David Bradley, 1920 - 2004 91-92
Book Reviews:
Studying invertebrates by C. Philip Wheater and Penny A. Cook 94-95
Of moths and men, intrigue, tragedy and the peppered moth by Judith
Hooper 95-96