Peer-reviewed Papers:
Click on each paper to view the abstracts:
The immigration of Lepidoptera to the British Isles in 2005. Sean Clancy 49-84
Aethes fennicana (M. Hering, 1924) (Lep.: Tortricidae) new to the British
Isles. Brian
Goodey 89-90
The Snake Flies (Raphidioptera: Raphidiidae)
of Cornwall and Devon, including Alantoraphidia maculicollis (Stephens)
new to Cornwall. K. N. A. Alexander 91-92
Further records
of Cilis hispanica (Lep.: Drepanidae). Jon Clifton 85
Diplopseustis perieresalis Walker, 1859 (Lep.: Crambidae) new to mainland
Great Britain. Roy McCormick 85-87
French Internet site seeks data of distribution. Philippe Mothiron 87
The Waved Black Parascotia fuliginaria (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae), the
Dusky Hook-tip Drepana curvatula (Borkh.) (Lep.: Drepanidae)
and the Passenger (Dysgonia algira (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae)
in Devon during 2007. Roy McCormick 88
Stenoptinea cyaneimarmorella (Mill.) (Lep.: Tineidae) in Essex. Brian
Goodey 88
Hazards of butterfly collecting. Snakes and butterflies in Denmark – 1959
NS 2006.
Torben B. Larsen 93-95
Argyresthia trifasciata Stdgr (Lep.: Yponomeutidae): a first record
for Dorset (VC9). Leslie J. Hill 95
Book Review
British and Irish
Butterflies by Adrian M. Riley 95-96