25th May 2009
Peer-reviewed Papers:
Click on each paper to view the abstracts:
effects of climatic warming on flight time of moths in Yorkshire. Charles
Fletcher 109-118
The spread of Pale Pinion Lithophane hepatica (Clerck) (Lep.: Noctuidae)
into the
northern half of England and Scotland since 1990. R. Leverton and S.
Palmer 129-133
Lepidoptera of the Falkland Islands: (1) Pyraloidea. Andrew Wakeham-Dawson
Alex G. Jones 137-143
request – Moths
in VC 47: Montgomeryshire. Peter Williams 118
Hypena lividalis (Hb.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) confirmed for the Bulgarian
fauna. Stoyan Beshkov and Colin W. Plant 119-122
The possible arrival of Cameraria gaultheriella (Walsingham) (Lep.:
Gracillariidae) in
Britain. Dave Wilton 123-124
Aberrant genitalia of Elachista humilis (Zell.) (Lep.: Elachistidae) and Agrotis
segetum (D. & S.) (Lep.: Noctuidae). Jon Clifton125
Treble Brown Spot Idaea trigeminata Haw. (Lep.: Geometridae) in October. Keith
Palmer 126
Peacock Inachis io (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae) flying over snow fields in Staffordshire
during February. Jan Korysko 126-127
A profusion of Blastobasis adustella (Walsingham) (=lignea (Walsingham)) (Lep.:Blastobasidae)
at MV light in Middlesex during August 2008. Martin Townsend 127-128
Tachnid fly larva found in the abdommen of an adult Melitaea deione Geyer (Lep.:Nymphalidae).
Fernando Santos Carvalho 128
Coleophora frischella (L.) Lep.: Coleophoridae) in Hertfordshire. Brian Goodey
Colin W. Plant 134-135
Micromus angulatus (Stephens) (Neur.: Hemerobiidae) in Monmouthshire and notes
on habitat associations. K. N. A. Alexander 136
Hazards of butterfly collecting – Abantis eltringhami, skipper extraordinary– Cameroun 2003. Torben B. Larsen 143-146
Finding Jodia croceago (D. & S.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) – the Orange Upperwing.
W. Plant 148-149
Panorpa germanica L. (Mec.: Panorpidae) on a spider’s web. Martin Matthews 149-150
The Square-spotted Clay Xestia rhomboidae (Esp.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in
Huntingdonshire (VC 31). Philip J. L. Gould and Barry Dickerson 150-151
Spinturnicidae (Acari): new records of parasitic bat mites from five Scottish
counties. David A. Dodds 151-152
Michael Eugene Nicholas Majerus by William A Foster 146-14
Book Reviews
Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles by Bernard
Skinner 153-154
Atlas of the fleas (Siphonaptera) of Britain and Ireland by R.
S. George 155
Bees of Surrey by David W. Baldock 156