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contents - volume 122 (part 2)

Published 27th March 2010

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Click on each paper to view the abstracts:

Celypha woodiana (Barrett) (Lep.: Tortricidae) – An update. Mark Parsons and James McGill 49-52

Gorgyra stewarti sp.nov. – a surprising new Skipper butterfly from Cameroun and the democratic Republic of Congo (Lep.: Hesperiidae). Torben B. Larsen 55-58

Perching and patrolling continuum at favoured hilltop sites on a ridge: a mate location strategy by the Purple Emperor butterfly Apatura iris. R. J. C. Page 61-70

British distribution of Aricia Lep.: Lycaenidae. Bill Smyllie 74-84

Tortricid moths new to the Bulgarian and European fauna (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Boyan Zlatkov and Yuriy Budashkin 87-92


Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata (Metcalfe) and Tree-lichen Beauty Cryphia algae (Fabr.): Two new macro moth species in Huntingdonshire (VC 31). Barry Dickerson 52

Extreme mothing: Capture of three White-spotted Pinion moths Cosmia diffinis (L.) (Noctuidae) at light in Bedfordshire during four hours of pouring rain and other recent news of this UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species. Paul Warin53-54

Cosmopterix zieglerella (Hb.) (Lep.: Cosmopterigidae) in east Berkshire, an update. Ian Sims 59

Volucella zonaria (Poda) (dip.: Syrphidae) in Northamptonshire. K. F. Williams 59

Northern Rustic Standfussiana lucernea (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae): new to Suffolk. Matthew J. Deans 60

Stigmella samiatella (Zell.) (Lep.: Nepticulidae) bred from Oak Quercus robor. Charles H. Fletcher 74

Enemies of figwort weevils Cionus sp. (Col.: Curculionidae). Ross Piper 84-86

The Concolorous Chortodes extrema (Hb.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Huntingdonshire. Barry Dickerson 86

Saffron Walden, Essex, 2004-2009. Chris Tyler-Smith and Yali Xue 92

Key jangling – a little known technique for calming agitated moths. Charles Fletcher 93

Observations on Winter Moths Operophthera brumata (L.) (Lep.: Geometridae) during the winter of 2009-2010. Dafydd Lewis 94-95


Reginald Arthur Bell 71-73
