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contents - volume 122 (part 4)

Published 27th July 2010

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Click on each paper to view the abstracts:

Cnephasia pumicana (Zeller, 1847) (Lep.: Tortricidae) stat. rev. newly recognised as British. John L. Langmaid and David J. L. Agassiz 137-142
Insects of Waveney Forest (Fritton Warren) in East Norfolk. Tim Gardiner 155-162

Contribution to the Bulgarian macrolepidoptera fauna (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Noctuidae). Stoyan Beshkov 175-181


The ant-lion Euroleon nostras (Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785) (Neur.: Myrmeleontidae): New to Essex. Jerry Bowdrey and Clive Atkins 143

A striking aberrant form of Catocal nupta (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae). Gerard Band 144-145

Cydia pactolana (Zeller 1840) (Lep.: Tortricidae): new to Buckinghamshire. Peter Hall 146-147

Pammene giganteana (Peyerimhoff, 1863) (Lep.: Tortricidae) new to Buckinghamshire (vC 24). Dave Wilton 147

Macro Moth Status Changes in West Lothian (vC84). Mark Cubitt 148-153

Dicestra trifolii (hufn.) (Lep.: Noctuidae), the Nutmeg in West Sutherland. Stephen Palmer 153

Juniper shieldbug Cyphostethus tristriatus (Fabr.) (het.: Acanthosomatidae) in Perthshire, Scotland. D. Horsfield 154

Lepidoptera mines on Evergreen Oak Quercus sp. in Huntingdonshire. Barry Dickerson, Andy Banthorpe and Melissa Banthorpe 162-163

hazards of butterfly collecting – Killing an African skipper (Papilio flesus Fabricius, 1781 = Sarangesa aza Evans, 1951 syn. nov.). Torben B. Larsen 163-166

Two species of hornbeam-feeding microlepidoptera new to Berkshire. Ian Sims 166

A record of Sciota hostilis Stephens) (Lep.: Pyralidae) from Kent and some notes on its occurrence in the county. P. J. Jewess 167-168

The winter generation of Chromatomyia aprilina (Goureau 1851, dip.: Agromyzidae): more established than thought. Robert Homan 169

Notable British barkfly (Psocoptera) observations in 2008 and 2009. R. (Bob) E. Saville 170-172

Calybites phasianipennella (hb.) (Lep.: Gracillaridae) larvae in Berkshire. Ian Sims172-173
Pammene fasciana (L.) (juliana [Steph.] (Lep.: Tortricidae): a review of the historical and current status in Scotland. Matthew J. Deans 176-174

Caloptilia leucapennella (Stephens) (Lep.: Gracillariidae) at Jealotts’s hill, Berkshire. Ian Sims 182-183

Autumn migration of the Painted lady Vanessa cardui (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae). Peter Oliver 183

Book Review

The Geometrid Moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of Mt. Fruška Gora (Northern Serbia) by d. v. Stojanovic, S. B. Curcic & M. M. Brajkovic 18
