27th July 2011
Click on each paper to view the abstracts:
Desertobia ankeraria (Staudinger, 1861) (Lep.:
Geometridae): a new genus and
species for the Bulgarian fauna. Stoyan Beshkov and Boyan Zlatkov 163-169
Two new species of Noctuidae (Lep.), subfamily Herminiinae, from Fiji.
John Clayton 185-189
A new species of Telenomus (Aholcus) (Hym.,
Platygastroidea: Scelionidae) from
Russia and the Ukraine. James P. O’Connor and Patrick Ashe 190-194
Long-term changes in the abundance and phenology of Hoplia philanthus
Col: Scarabaeidae at Silwood Park. Chris R. Shortall and Georgie L.S.
Timmis 195-198
Possible new sites for Trichopteryx polycommata ([D. & S.]) Barred
(Lep.: Geometridae) in Dorset (VC9). L. J. Hill 153-154
Epiblema tetragonana (Stephens) (Lep.: Tortricidae) reared from Dog-rose
canina in West Sutherland. R. J. Heckford 154-155
Marbled pug Eupithecia irriguata (Hb.) (Lep.: Geometridae) in Cumbria:
A new
county resident. Stuart Colgate and Brian Hancock 155-156
Man bitten by Cardiastethus fasciiventris (Garbiglietti) (Hem., Anthocoridae).
Rob Ryan 156
The yellow ab. lutescens Stdgr. of the Jersey Tiger Euplagia quadripunctaria
(Lep.: Arctiidae) on Guernsey. P. D. M. Costen and M. P. Lawlor 157-158
Notes on Light Orange Underwing Archiearis notha (Hb.) (Lep.: Geometridae).
Kemp 158
The hauderi form of Caloptilia semifascia (Haw.) in the London area (Lep.:
Gracillariidae). Colin W. Plant 159-160
Stigmella dryadella (Hofmann) (Lep.: Nepticulidae) larvae in April and
May. Miss S.
D. Beavan and R. J. Heckford
The use of a car vacuum cleaner for collecting Hemiptera-Heteroptera
from mosses.
Rob Ryan 161-162
Entomologists I have known. John F. Burton
Interpretations on the display of the Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli L. (Lep.:
Hepialidae) and the role of pheromones. Nicholas Picozzi and Alison Espie 182-184
Adela croesella (Scop.) (Lep.: Adelidae): new to Hertfordshire. Andrew
Wood and Ben
Sale 194
Brown-tail Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) larvae feeding
Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur and Red Oak Quercus rubra in southern Britain.
Martin C. Townsend, Ralph Parks & Nittaya Lawrence 198-199
Book Reviews
Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) of Britain and Ireland