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contents - volume 123 (part 5)

Published 27th September 2011

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Click on each paper to view the abstracts:

The Centenary of James William Tutt. Anthony J. Pickles 201-205

Moth Count Milestones. Z. Randle, L. Hill and R. Fox 206-211

Insects Hybrids. Bill Smyllie 213-217

Reinstatement of coppicing in neglected ancient woodlands benefits bumblebees, butterflies and grasshoppers in Essex. Tim Gardiner 222-231

Adventive Brassolina (Lep.: Nymphalidae) in Britain and elsewhere. C. Roger Bristow 235-237

Macro-moths new to Bedfordshire (VC 30) since the publication of The Butterflies and Moths of Bedfordshire in 1997, with comments on some previously published records. Melissa G. Banthorpe 242-246


Small Ranunculus Hecatera dysodea (D.&S.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) larvae found in southeast Suffolk (VC 25). Tony Prichard 212

Interesting and notable moth records for East Gloucestershire (VC 33) from Coln Park, 2008 to 2011. Benedict John Pollard and Joshua Peter Twining 218-220

The Buff Footman Eilema depressa (Esper) (Lep.: Arctiidae) is the latest species to move into central Scotland. John T. Knowler 220-221

Recent moths new to the Isle of Wight. Sam Knill-Jones 221

Unusual refreshment for an Old Lady? Old Lady Mormo maura (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) drinking water. Roger Hayward 221

Cynaeda dentalis ([D.&S.]) (Lep.: Crambidae), larvae found in Devon. R. J. Heckford.231-232

Revised names of UK butterflies. Richard Fox and Simon Spencer 232-234

Maple Pug Eupithecia inturbata (Hübner) (Lep.: Geometridae) in Roxburghshire, the first confirmed Scottish records. Roy Leverton, Andrew Bramhall and Andrew Fitchett 238-239

Callophrys rubi (L.) ab. dennisorum Campbell ab. nov. (Lep.: Lycaenidae) Green Hairstreak: A new aberration discovered in Buckinghamshire. Wendy Campbell 239-240

The yellow ab. lutescens Stdgr. of the Jersey Tiger Euplagia quadripunctaria (Poda) (Lep.: Arctiidae). Roger Hayward 240-241

An early Streak Chesias legatella (D.&S.) (Lep.: Geometridae). Roger Hayward 241

Acleris abietana (Hb.) (Lep.: Tortricidae) new to the Roxburghshire (VC 80) county list. Philip J. L. Gould 241

Hunting for Hemaris tityus (L.) (Lep.: Sphingidae) larvae. Roy Leverton 246-247

Book Reviews
Aphids – Aphidinae (Macrosiphini), Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, Volume 2, Part 7 247-248
