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contents - volume 124 (part 3)

Published 27th May 2012

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Click on each paper to view the abstracts:

The immigration of Lepidoptera to the British Isles in 2009. Sean P. Clancy 105-139

Scarce and migrant ladybirds (Coccinellidae) in moth traps. Andrew Collins 148-152


Record Humming-bird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum (L.) (Lep.: Sphingidae) immigration into Britain and Ireland in 2011. Richard Fox 140-143

A good year for Corizus hyoscyami (L.) (Hem.: Rhopalidae). Rob Ryan 143-145

Stenodema holsata (Fabricius) (Hem., Miridae) in the Chiltern Hills. Rob Ryan 145-147

