27th July 2012
Click on each paper to view the abstracts:
Temperature determines the presence of
Micropterix calthella L. (Lep.: Micropterigidae) in flower-heads
of Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus
repens. Adrian
Scythris crassiuscula (Herrich-Schäffer) (Lep.: Scythrididae)
bivoltine in the
Cotswolds. G. H. J. Meredith 167-169
Notes on the distribution and ecology of the Gatekeeper Butterfly
Pyronia tithonus
(L.) ab. excessa Tutt in Britain and Europe (Lep.: Nymphalidae).
Rupert Barrington
Two new species of Platygastroidea (Hymenoptera) from Ireland.
Peter Neerup Buhl
and James P. O’Connor 195-200
Batrachedra praeangusta (Haw.) (Lep.: Batrachedridae) new to the Isle
of Wight.
Martin C. Harvey 160
The Isle of Wight Wave Idaea humiliata (Hufn.) (Lep.: Geometridae) in
Huntingdonshire: A correction. Kevin Royles and Barry Dickerson 161
Hypenodes humidalis doubleday (Lep.: Noctuidae) new to the Bulgarian
fauna. Colin
W. Plant, Stoyan Beshkov, Tony Pickles and Boyan Zlatkov161-162
Coleophora frischella (L.) (Lep.: Coleophoridae) and other interesting
new moth
records for Northumberland. Tom Tams163-164
Adaptation of the hind legs for display by the male Gold Swift Hepialus
hecta L.
(Lep.: Hepialidae). Nicholas Picozzi165-166
Spruce Carpet Thera britannica (Turner) (Lep.: Geometridae) in late March
in devon.
Miss S. D. Beavan and R. J. Heckford
A very early record of Brindled Pug Eupithecia abbreviata (Steph.) (Lep.:
Geometridae). Duncan W. W. Davidson 170
Lycia zonaria d.&S. Belted Beauty (Lep.: Geometridae) in Britain
and France.
Graham Wenman170-172
Some noteworthy moth records from Werrington, Peterborough, in 2011.
Paul Waring.172-176
New County and interesting Lepidoptera records in devon in 2011. Roy
McCormick 177
Two unusual Psocoptera – Pteroxanium kelloggi (Ribaga) and Badonnelia
Pearman indoors in Northamptonshire. R. Colin Welch 178-179
Oak Eggar Lasiocampa quercus (L.) (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) larva recorded
on foodplant
previously unrecorded in Sussex (VC14). Steven M. Teale 179-181
Moths and hay bales. Martin Corley 181-183
Philophorus cinnamopterus (Kirschbaum, 1856) (Het.: Miridae) in Edinburgh – a
species for Scotland. Nick A. Littlewood 183-184
Mompha jurassicella (Frey) (Lep.: Momphidae) – some recent records.
Phycitodes saxicola (Vaughan) (Lep.: Pyralidae) in mid-April. R. J. Heckford
and B. P.
Henwood 194
Dichrooscytus gustavi Josifov (Hem., Miridae) doing well in the Chiltern
Hills. Rob
Ryan .201-202
Moths new the Isle of Wight in 2011. Sam Knill-Jones 203
A very early sighting of the Small Blue butterfly Cupido minimus (Fuess.)
Lycaenidae) in 2012. Sam Knill-Jones 203
An Irish male of Craspedolepta nebulosa (Zetterstedt) (Hem.: Psyllidae).
James P.
O’Connor 204
Stephanitis takeyai drake & Maa (Hem., Tingidae) new to Oxfordshire.
Rob Ryan 204-205
New host record for Paraperithous gnathaulax (Thomson, 1877) (Hym.:
Ichneumonidae) of Pyrochroa coccinea (Linnaeus, 1761) (Col.: Pyrochroidae).
Zhang 206-207
Call for Notes on the 2012 season. Editor
Book Reviews
Moths of Europe, Volume 3: Zygaenids, Pyralids 1 207-208