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contents - volume 137 (part 1)

Published 25th January 2024

Peer-reviewed Papers:

First update to A Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (Second edition), 2024. David J. L. Agassiz, S. D. Beavan & R. J. Heckford 1-6

Populations of Coleophora hydrolapathella (Hering, 1921) (Lep.: Coleophoridae) found breeding on Rumex crispus L. in coastal Suffolk. Neil Sherman 7-11

Some outstanding species of Lepidopera reported from the island of Crete (Greece). Henry Edmunds 19-27

Observations on oviposition behaviour of the Lattice Brown butterfly Kirinia roxelana Cramer 1777 in Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece. Anne F. Sordinas & Dan (G. W.) Danahar 34-39

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The early mine of Elachista bedellella (Sircom, 1848) (Lep.: Elachistidae). William B. V. Langdon 11-13

Clepsis peritana, Lep. Tortricidae (Clemens, 1860). New to VC32, Northamptonshire and possibly the fourth UK record. Mark Hammond 13-14

The Liquorice Piercer moth Grapholita pallifrontana Zeller 1845 (Lep.: Tortricidae) in South Essex, VC18. Chris Tyler-Smith, Yali Xue 15-18

Scrobipalpa freyii (Scott, 1859) (Lep.: Gelechiidae) feeding on Centaura nigra sens. lat. William B. V. Langdon 28-30

Two bugs (Heteroptera) from the Cholderton Estate. Henry Edmunds 30-32

A first record of Lobesia porrectana (Zeller, 1847) (Lep.: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae) from Bulgaria with a comment on its voltinism. Harry E. Beaumont 32-33


Records of Fiery Clearwing in Essex. Colin W. Plant 18

Book Review:

A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Romania 40
