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contents - volume 130 (part 4)

Published 25th July 2018

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Eucosma tripoliana (Barrett, 1880) (Lep.: Tortricidae): variation in a Suffolk population and how this relates to the species’ separation from Eucosma aemulana (Schläger, 1849). Raymond A. Watson 177-187

Quantitive differences in catches made by two kinds of mercury-vapour bulbs used in Robinson moth traps. Clive Craik and Andy Mcleod 200-213

A contribution to knowledge of the Balkan Lepidoptera: new and rare moths for Albania, collected in 2017. Stoyan Beshkov & Ana Nahirnic

Click on the paper to view the abstract:


2017 Highlights from my garden trap and the continued presence of Toadflax Brocade Calophasia lunula (Hufn., 1766), on my rock garden. J. F. Burton 187-189

Toadflax Brocade Calophasia lunula (Hufn.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) at March, Cambridgeshire. Paul Waring 189

Further records of unseasonal moth flights in 2017. Keith Palmer189-191

An aberrant form of Scopula decorata (Alphéraky, 1876) (Lep.: Geometridae) from northern Spain. Teresa Farino and Colin W. Plant 192-193

Hydroptila simulans Mosely, 1920 (Trich.: Hydroptilidae), a caddisfly new to Northern Ireland. James P. O’Connor and Kenneth G. M. Bond

Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata (D. & S.) (Lep.: Geometridae) male with everted coremata during wing drying. Roy Leverton 195

A fourth British Cydia interscindana (Möschler, 1866) (Lep.: Tortricidae). Graeme J. Smith 196

Sympherobius klapaleki Zeleny (Neur.: Hemerobiidae) in Milton Keynes. Mark G. Telfer. 197-198

Heart & Dart Agrotis exclamationis (Linnaeys, 1758) (Lep.: Noctuidae), a green-scaled aberrant. Tony Bryant 199

Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosaria (D. & S.) (Lep.: Geometridae) male sitting out bad weather. Roy Leverton 214
