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contents - volume 130 (part 6)

Published 25th November 2018

Peer-reviewed Papers:

Microlepidoptera Review of 2017. A. M. Davis and G. M. Tordoff 281-307

A new species of the genus Herrichia Staudinger (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from the island of Crete. Ole Karsholt and Alexander Lvovsky 307-312

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Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas (L.) (Lep.: Lycaenidae) male refound 23 days later. Roy Leverton 313-314

A striking aberrant form of Catoptria falsella (D. & S., 1775) (Lep.: Cramidae) and a comment on published drawings of female genitalia. František Kosorín314-315

The occurrence of Garella musculana (Erschov, 1874) (Lep.: Nolidae) in eastern Bulgaria. Harry E. Beaumont 315-316

Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae (L.) (Lep.: Erebidae, Arctiinae) larvae feeding on Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara L. Mark R. Shaw 317-318

First Shropshire record of Schiffermuellerina grandis (Desvignes, 1842) (Lep. Oecophoridae). Mike P. Shurmer 318-319

Surge of dispersing rare and common Lepidoptera in South Cambridgeshire during the hot summer of 2018. Chris Tyler-Smith and Yali Xue 320-322

Ceutolopha isidis (Zeller, 1867) (Lep.: Pyralidae) in Murcia, Spain and a discussion of its status in Europe. J. Girdley, J. J. Guerredo, R. M. Rubio, M. Garre and A. S. Ortiz 322-324

The correct name for the Tyneside Vitula (Lep.: Pyralidae). T. J. Tams324-327

Corrigenda 328

Book Reviews

Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of Great Britain and Ireland 328
